8 - 11 MAY 2025
World Sports Istanbul’24, the first of which was held between 10-13 January 2024, is a unique organization that has become the most popular trade fair in the sports world and brings together the power of the sports foods, sports equipment and fitness & wellness industry directly with buyers, where world-famous brands exhibit the latest trending innovative products. Turkey’s most comprehensive trade fair in its field, World Sports Istanbul held on 11.000 sqm area. Featuring prominent global industrial brands, WSI ’24 welcomed a record-breaking number of 11.627 visitors from over 30 countries of which 1.017 were international and 10.610 domestic. Besides European countries, visitors from the Far East, Africa Regions and in particular the USA, Germany, England, Russia, and Canada showed a keen interest in World Sports Istanbul.
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World Sports Istanbul Events
ATHLETIC HOUSE The International Athletic Performance and Sports Health Congress,
SPORTS PHYSIOTHERAPY ASSOCIATION “The International Sports Physiotherapy Congress, with international
Insightfool speeches from the Ağır Sağlam Team, the President of
Within the scope of World Sports Istanbul Summits, Dr. İbrahim
Sports Physiologist Assoc. Prof., who started his studies in Istanbul