
Everything related to good physical health, mental harmony and life energy is at World Sports Istanbul with the privilege of SAĞLIKLI HOCA

What is Upright Posture?

Upright posture affects not only your physical appearance but also your health. Correct posture helps reduce back and neck pain while increasing the balance and grace of your body. In addition to developing correct posture habits, Healthy Hodja will help you understand your body better.

How to Get a Fit Brain?

A fit mind is the key to success in life. This workshop offers great tools to increase mental acuity, reduce stress, and improve focus. Increase your mental fitness at World Sports Istanbul with meditation, brain games and creative thinking exercises.

Healthy Breathing

Breath is the basis of life. Correct breathing habits fill the body with oxygen, increase energy and reduce stress. The workshops to be held at World Sports Istanbul are an excellent opportunity to learn correct breathing techniques and apply them to your daily life.

Sağlıklı Hoca will teach you how to use the strong connection between thought, body and breath in the workshops to be held within the scope of World Sports Istanbul, which is rapidly progressing towards becoming the largest fair in the region and Turkey. Each workshop will offer practical information to help you strengthen both your physical and mental health.

Get Your Ticket Now to Participate!

Book your place now to participate in Upright Posture, Fit Brain and Healthy Breathing events. Don’t miss this opportunity to feel better, find more energy and increase mental acuity!